Shift Happens!

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What makes this work unique is that it gets right to the heart of the matter. Laser beam focus allows us to cut through the 'story' and get right to the truth. We'll pull from the root rather than dance on the surface. 

You'll be supported in releasing any outdated and un-examined, behaviors, habits and beliefs that are wreaking havoc in your life. Shifting unconscious patterns based on limiting beliefs is a profound way to make lasting change in your life.

Upon request, we can do energy work to help integrate the healing and expansion that has taken place during the session.

Each session is tailored uniquely for what your currently working on and can include; Spiritual counseling techniques, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Theta Healing and Affirmative Prayer.  All assist you in rewiring the subconscious part of the mind and get you back into the driver's seat. 

Love is the ONE thing that heals all things. SELF LOVE is at the crux of all healing and the most crucial building block for anything you want to create in this life. Mastering it is our purpose and reason for being here.

All things are not only possible but probable when you're tuned to love and in alignment with your Soul.